"If I Think Of Something Clever, I'll Give This A Proper Title"

"This Overdose Needs A Caption With Something Ironic Said... Bump"

"Raining Narcotics And Having Your Jaw Wired Shut (Can't Coke With A Drug-Filled Life)"

"Ying & Fuck Yang, I Never Doubt Your Sex Apparel"

Quit Fucking Smiling And Get Back To Life"

"Close To A Draught Since All The Water Entered My Lungs Today"

"Do You Think I'm Sexy?"

"Untitled aka A Young Hipster Spills Their Love For The Beatles

"Everything To Anyone & Everyone To Nothing (I Hate You)"

"rt dmg"

"Violence, Violence, And Violence"

"This Won't Kill You Unless You Take My Advice (Take One For The Team & Choke Brady)" -Lost in Kingman, AZ near Wendy's-

"Damagevil" -SOLD-

"I Slept With Art Damage And All I Got Was This Painting Of Me (I'm Not A Fucking Animal)"